All posts by vlnatura

Physical activity mind connection

Physical activity mind connection

There is no shortage of data out there that proves society as a whole needs to get their bodies moving. People of all ages seem to spend tons of time in front of the TV, exploring the internet, or playing video games. We all know this can lead to obesity as well as zap the energy out of your body. However, most people don’t realize that a sedentary lifestyle can also reduce their cognitive abilities. This will be more evident as a person gets older.

Physical activity mind connection
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The brain and the physical body need physical activity

When you engage in exercise your brain benefits because more blood will flow to that region. More energy is produced as additional waste in the body is removed. Those individuals that exercise on a regular basis have larger cerebral blood vessels. It is believed that this is a key aspect of having a healthy brain at any age.

Yoga is one form of exercise that you can take part in so that your cognitive abilities are their very best. It takes a great deal of concentration to learn yoga at first so don’t be discouraged. The more you practice it the more it will become a part of your thinking process. Then you can move into more advanced forms of yoga which will offer even more benefits for your thinking process.

Physical activity mind connection

It may surprise you to learn that the brain uses about 20% of the energy you consume each day. Just like with your body, the more you exercise it the more it will produce energy. If you feel that it is stressful to get through the day, to make decisions, and just to juggle all you have to think about then you need to change the approach. By getting enough physical exercise you will also be giving your brain the level of energy it needs to be on top of the game.

What is also a connection is that many people that don’t get enough physical exercise actually talk themselves out of the task. They put it off until the very end of the day, making one excuse after another. The brain is a very guilty party in this type of decision making. However, when you do get physical exercise and your brain benefits from it, things appear in a new light.

Instead of helping you to make excuses and to find ways to avoid exercising your brain will tell you that you should exercise. It will encourage you to make time for it and to be proud of your efforts. Once you get to that point, engaging in physical exercise on a regular basis becomes second nature instead of a forced action that you take part in. More chemicals that keep you happy will be produced as well so you can have a better attitude than before.

No matter how old you are or how little you currently exercise, you can make some significant improvements in your life. Start out with a commitment to exercise for 15 minutes every other day. Then slowly increase your time by 5 minute intervals until you are at 30 minutes. Then make the commitment to do those 30 minutes of exercise every day. Working up to it this way makes the goal more achievable and you won’t be overwhelmed along the way.

Make it a goal to get at least 30 minutes each day of exercise. If you have a very busy lifestyle, try to fit it in during the early morning hours. This way you won’t be blowing it off due to a lack of time later in the day. You will also have a great attitude to start the day. This is because you will know you already accomplished something great. There are enough types of exercises out there to take part in so you never have to waste your time doing those you don’t love.

Thank you for visiting Natural Nordic nutrition website and reading up on this Physical activity mind connection article.  I hope it was informative, helpful and useful.  Please do share this web site link with your friends, thanks.

Happy Creative New Year 2016

Happy Creative New Year 2016

Happy Creative New Year 2016 to everyone visiting this web site.
Here is a fantastic quote and a true idea concept to keep in mind in the coming New Year. You may be led to think about self development or religion after reading this quote. I hope the mentioned concepts are not overly narrow two dimensional concepts in your mind. But more so a reality with freedom to live a good life.

Happy Creative New Year 2016

Freedom in Life

A healthy Life is meant to be lived freely; a healthy life should follow the contours of the invisible natural laws and also respecting humanity. If short of inspiration in the beginning of the New Year? then do take the time to consider the natural world environment. In the natural environment there is a great deal of real life going on that is nothing short of inspiring. Each year the autumn falls and the winter set in, and the past spring season and summer season life died away. Consequently each the spring season comes around again and gives birth to new life in the environment.
In the natural environment there are trees, shrubs plants and flowers. All of these things can be a meaningful time to think and to consider, how life dies and gives birth to new life. Comparing to the human creativity and technology, like art, craft, textiles and homemaking, photography, videos and other sources of multimedia, the natural environment is truly visually inspiring, and it is so fantastic with biodiversity.

Leave any sadness and depression of the past behind

Depression and sadness can be caused by negative feelings and poor depressing environment, which may be due to lack of creativity, not able to change the circumstances and the personal environment. There are also desperate circumstance and violent that need to be dealt with by professional people that are trained to deal with such circumstances.  However there are also some that are simply put people that have become stuck in a depressing rut. That can happen due to the nature of things, and the nature of life. The way out is to get up and climb out of it, by creative thinking and smart action. The way out of such rut is to be proactive. Here are some simply steps to get out of some types of depressing ruts:

Clean the house, start by removing useless rubbish and thoroughly make the living space really tidy with lots of free space. Including removing clutter from table tops, benches, room corners, wardrobes and cupboards. There is nothing unusual about such clean up, because in normal life things do accumulate over time and it needs to be taken care of by removing useless clutter every so often.

Think of the time when you first moved into the space that you live in, can you remember how much spare space there was, how the floors space was also free of clutter. It may be practical to return the living space to the original state few times as a reminder of reality, and to help you keep focused on the goals that you want to achieve in life. Useless clutter can be very distractive in the living space and it can eat up much energy and waste it. The alternative is to use the energy focusing on the goals that you need to reach and do every day in order to reach the big goals in your life that you perceive to be situation where you are healthy, happy and content in life. The beginning of the New Year is such a time to really do a thorough clean up of the home and living space, but do it with respect to the other people that may be sharing it you. Some people don’t understand how a living space can be distractive to the goals in life. Maybe they have no personal goals in life. So it is good idea to share the New Year clean up idea with the people that you share the living space with, so that they are informed of the virtues of starting the New Year from a clean slate to make plans and clear objective goals for the new Year to work towards.

“ Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come”.

– Melody Beattie

Happy Creative New Year 2016 and beyond

To the start of your Happy Creative New Year 2016, thank you for visiting web site and reading this  Happy Creative New Year 2016 wishes to everyone.  Have a Happy one.

Delighful New Year 2015

Delighful New Year 2015

Delighful New Year 2015 Wish you a fantastic new year in 2015 that is fuelled with abundant joy, motivation with happiness, and valued meaningful memorable moments that is empowering for future goals in life.

May the year 2015 be your finest year!

Delighful New Year 2015
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Delighful New Year 2015 and the contrast of 2014. The world often sems to be breaking up in many regions and locations, like a sour dough bread loaf baked in a hot stove, but do not lose hope, it should settle down some time soon, when the heat cools off.
Thanks for your eager initiative in roaming the world wide waters of the internet as well as landing on this one small web of a web site. Grateful also for visitors as well as for every person’s interest in 2014, as well as truly anticipate developing brand-new fresh content material in the new year coming up soon.

Thanks to the New Year!

Delighful New Year 2015
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Wishing you a Delighted Holiday period for everyone.

Here is a bit of Einstein to everyone and for the new challenges of the New Year in 2015.

Albert Einstein

I really feel that you are justified in exploring the future with real assurance, due to the fact that you have a method of living where we locate the joy of life as well as the delight of work harmoniously combined. Included in this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your extremely being, and appears to make the day’s job like a pleased child at play.

In the new year there are many opportunities for creative thinking,  action plans and for establishing future goals. To view similar web site content with digital images, picture galleries, art prints and digital downlaods, visit

Also please do share links with your friends, thanks and have a Great Fresh Delighful New Year 2015.

Farmers markets in Finland

Farmers markets in Finland

Farmers markets in Finland play an important role in ensuring that the local food raw ingredients are of high nutritional quality, supports traditional culture, regional produce and also employes local people.


Traditional rural culture needs the support of a community.

Farmers markets are local and they provide food for the local people, the problem with large mega-agricultural companies is that they come about as a business plan.  They are  born by the large corporate executives with tunnel vision minds that never give a thought for the nutritional content of the soil  and the raw produce.  The company executives that make decision, they make their decision on numbers only, the bottom line.  Soils that are worked over and over year after year are exploited and depleted of natural minerals.

farmers markets in finland
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Who cares about the nutritional value of food.

Not every body, my guess generally speaking is that some 40% of people are not eating food for the nutritional value, they eat for the energy, the need and comforting aspect of food.  Of course it makes every body feel better when they eat food in hunger, the most immediate affect is the energy being restored.  But the variety of food that they eat may range from 3-5 items to 5-25.  E.g. some people won’t eat salads, “rabbit food” is not liked by everybody.  Most people like Mc Donald, meat pies, burgers and potato chips.  Out of the other 60% of people how many of them would think twice about the carrots that they buy, do the carrots have any nutritional value in them.  It is possible that the carrots are bright orange color, and have the right shape with a green head on it, and at the same time having being grown in a soil that was depleted of minerals and other nutrients.   But how many people would bother to question the appearance of the bright orange carrot.  Surely you have noticed as i have noticed often that taste of a raw carrot is at times sweet, other times completely devoid of taste.  What makes the difference?  Is it in season or out of season?  For raw carrots the long storage time can drain the flavor out of them, the storage method can also affect the taste of the raw ingredients.  Carrots whole, peeled, peeled whole, peeled and chopped, diced, shredded and other types of processing.

See pictures from the farmers market in Finland.  Farmers market.

Local farmers can produce good quality produce for the local people.

This is the none brain er of food business, food is unlike other products, any type of product can be produced unethically, at times they use child labor, other times minimum wages, and the worse case scenario is when corporate greed wind the day and the food is produced in unsafe environment with dangerous trace elements in the soils and in the food ingredients.  The closer the food is produced to the community then it is less likely to be produced unethically.   No body cares like the family cares for their own. It may pass the initial test of approval but over time there is the law of entropy that pulls the quality down.  There is no better way to keep the bastards honest than by their own village.  Visit your local farmers markets soon and give some compliments for their part in providing quality safe food ingredients to your community.  See more pictures of the Farmers markets in Finland from this link.


Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year 2014 should have lots of new opportunities for whatever one sets the mind to do, and to experience in life.
To start of this year I will add some links to products that you may be interested in:

  • Pictures.
  • Decision making skills.
  • Wisdom, what is it and how to attain it into everyday life.

With Happy New Year 2014 it is a good idea to take stock of the year gone by, and make a list of Pro’s and Con’s.
Then tick off the positive Pro’s that you are proud of, and also cross out the negative Con’s that you don’t want to repeat in the new coming year.
That is one part of good decision making. Evaluating the decision made in the past, and correcting the errors of the past.

Watch this video.

Here is a video on decision making.

Nordic Art Images video.

The Nordic Prints are available from this link.
Here is a video on the topic of Wisdom.  What is it, and how to attain it, and how to use it for every day life.

Berry season

The summer berry season for 2013 has been a success.

The berry season varies from year to year, there are many variables that can affect the berry flowering, fruit growing and the harvest.  Some of the most obvious are; late frost that destroys the flowers, lack of bees and insects  to pollinate the berry plants, and the lack of rain during the summer growing season.  The berries can also vary in size from year to year, this year has been a good year in most parts.

See pictures of the current berry season.  Summer berry season 2013.

Nordic Summer berry season starts with wild strawberries and cultures strawberries being harvested first, then comes the cloud berries in the sub-arctic and arctic regions.  Red and black currants usually ripen before the Bilberries and raspberries follow next.  The timing does vary from year to year, the ripening of the berries may be 4-6 weeks either way (before/after) from the previous year.

berry season
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Bilberries are fantastic for their natural trace elements.

Material composition of the berries

100 g of fresh berries is:
– Protein 0.67 g
– Vitamin A (RE) 7.9 lg
– Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
– Vitamin B2 0.03 mg
– Vitamin B3 0.6 mg of niasiiniekvivalentti
– Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid 0.16 mg
– Vitamin B6 0.06 mg
– Vitamin C 44 mg
– Vitamin E (alpha-DB) 1.88 mg
– Vitamin H or biotin, 1.1 ¶ g
– Phosphorus 20 mg
– 100 mg of potassium
– Calcium 20 mg
– Cobalt <0.5 lg
– Chrome 2 lg
– Copper 78 lg
– Magnesium 9.1 mg
– Manganese 4.6 mg
– Molybdenum <10 g
– Silicon 0.5 mg
– 0.56 mg of iron
– 13 mg of sulfur
– Zinc 0.15 mg

As can be seen, the blueberry has a lot of different trace elements.
Bilberry berries contain very little fruit acids. They have ample A and B vitamin, manganese, fiber and flavonoids. They are also good as vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium sources. Bilberry berries are also rich in sakkaroideja, or sugars. Flavonoids are so-called antioksidanttejai. Antioxidants are believed to be in many ways beneficial to human health, because they appear to prevent oxidative damage cells in the body. Laboratory studies of antioxidants have been found, for example to restrain microbial activity, inflammatory reactions, blood clots, and some forms of cancer tumors.

Pictures of berries. West coast of Finland.

Berries contain the active ingredients are organic acids (about 1%, in particular malic acid), tanning types (less than 10%), catkin types tannins (0.8 to 6.7%), (cyanidin, dolphin, petunidin, malvidin), flavonoids, pectin, invert sugars, A and vitamin C, arbutin, hydroquinone and trace elements, especially manganese.

Berry season
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Carotenoids that affect positively the quality of life.

Bright colored fruit and vegetables in a diet have tremendous health benefits for the consumers.   The vast research done over many years on human health has yielded results that prove that the Carotenoids do positively affect the quality of life. Particularly in the following areas;
•    Cardiovascular system.
•    Immune system support.
•    Healthy Vision system.
•    Respiratory function system.

See a video for information on Antioxidants and video on The Good fats and The Bad fats here.


Nutrition: nourishment, or the supply of materials, food, required by organisms and cells to stay alive.

Nutrition science studies how the body breaks food down (catabolism) and repairs and creates cells and tissue (anabolism) – catabolism and anabolism = metabolism.

What are nutrients made of?

Nutrients are made of substances (micro and macro) that the body needs to live and grow. The body requires more than 45 nutrients, and the ways they are used are as different as the molecules, cells, and tissues they help to create.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats — called macro-nutrients — are broken down (metabolized) to provide energy. Vitamins and minerals; called micro-nutrients, which are not used for energy themselves, but are needed to help macro-nutrients be used for energy.  Watch video on: The good fats and the bad fats.

Vitamins and minerals play an essential role in the body’s normal metabolism, growth, and development. For example, while a vitamin is not a source of energy by itself, it can provide the key the body needs to unlock energy stored in food. -University of Maryland Medical Center.


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The human body is made up of thousands of different chemicals that create nutrition.

It is incredible that, being fed sufficient food and given enough calories, the body is capable of manufacturing nearly all of its needed nutrients.  There are however, some 45 or so essential nutrients that the human body is incapable of manufacturing.

The essential nutrients can be divided into seven general categories: water, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  Fiber is not an essential nutrient, but it is also extremely important in prevention of certain diseases.

The human body is made up of thousands of different chemicals. It is incredible that given enough calories, the body is capable of manufacturing nearly all of its needed nutrients.

  • Water.  Approximately 60% of the adult human body is composed of water.
  • Calorie Sources. There are three sources of caloric energy: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Proteins make up the structural foundation of the cells, tissues, and organs.
  • Vitamins.  Fourteen vitamins have been identified to play key roles in the metabolism of the healthy body. These vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cyanocobalamine), C, biotin, folic acid, niacin, and pantothenic acid.
  • Minerals.  Minerals are inorganic (not made by living things) substances that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Minerals are divided into two general categories: electrolytes and trace elements. Electrolytes must be consumed in relatively large quantities, but trace elements are needed in very small amounts.
  • The trace elements include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, iodide, sulfur, molybdenum, and a few relatively unimportant minor elements. Iron is the most important of all the trace elements because it is essential in the structure of hemoglobin, the red blood cell molecule that carries oxygen to the tissues.
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Here is a list of the seven major types of nutrients that the human body requires.

  1. carbohydrates,
  2.  protein
  3.  fat,
  4.  vitamins,
  5.  minerals,
  6.  fiber
  7.  water.

Carbohydrates.  Molecules consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Carbohydrates include monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, glactose), sisaccharides, and polysaccharides (starch).  See a video slide presentation of;  What is Nutrition.

Proteins.  Molecules contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simple proteins, called monomers, are used to create complicated proteins, called polymers, which build and repair tissue.

Fats.  Molecules consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Fats are triglycerides – three molecules of fatty acid combined with a molecule of the alcohol glycerol. Fatty acids are simple compounds (monomers) while triglycerides are complex molecules (polymers).

Fats.  Fiber consists mostly of carbohydrates. However because of its limited absorption by the body, not much of the sugars and starches get into the blood stream. Fiber is a crucial part of essential human nutrition.

Water.  About 70% of the non-fat mass of the human body is water. Nobody is completely sure how much water the human body needs – claims vary from between one to seven liters per day, drink plenty of clean fresh water to be on the safe side, and keeps things operating and cool.

Minerals (Micro-nutrients).  Dietary minerals are the other chemical elements our bodies need, apart from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: Potassium, Chloride, Sodium, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Selenium, Molybdenum.

Vitamins (Micro-nutrients).  These are organic compounds we require in tiny amounts. An organic compound is any molecule that contains carbon. It is called a vitamin when our bodies cannot synthesize (produce) enough or any of it. So we have to obtain it from our food.
Vitamins are classified as water soluble (they can dissolve in water) or fat soluble (they can dissolve in fat). For humans there are 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C) vitamins – a total of 13.

Water soluble vitamins need to be consumed more regularly because they are eliminated faster and are not readily stored. Urinary output is a good predictor of water soluble vitamin consumption. Several water-soluble vitamins are manufactured by bacteria.

Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestines with the help of fats (lipids). They are more likely to accumulate in the body because they are harder to eliminate quickly.

Vitamin A.
Vitamin B,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,12.
Vitamin C.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin K.

Some vitamins and minerals work together, such as the mineral zinc and vitamin A. Zinc enables the body to use vitamin A to promote good vision. Not getting enough vitamin A may lead to night blindness, a condition in which the eyes have trouble adjusting to darkness.  -University of Maryland Medical Center.


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A balanced diet of the essential Nutrients is vital for the optimal supply of the building blocks of good health, along with plenty of physical activities outdoors in clean fresh air. Also important is healthy sleeping patterns and a positive state of mind, being relaxed physically, spiritually and emotionally does affect your overall state of wellness.  For more information on food and health, watch a video slide show here:  What Food is Good

How to ensure a balanced diet of nutrition?

  • Get a nutrition guide for your self/family.
  • Write a list what foods you need for 7 days.
  • Write a 7 day menu for your self/family.
  • Make a shopping list, 2 per week.
  • Learn and train your family to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, even if the vegetables are bought frozen.
  • Stick to a healthy eating plan, and also stay physically active outdoors.

The above is a general common sense advice only, it is not intended for those with serious medical condition, always seek medical advice when health problems occur.

Watch a video presentation on Nutrition from the Nordic Cuisine Focus perspective.


Car Free Day, September 22, 2012.

Car Free Day, September 22, 2012.

Today is the car Free day here in the Nordic region, the car free day has been on going since the 1970.

The car free day stared early in the 1970, after the price of crude of spiked, and people became more aware of the rise in the cost of petrol.  During the car free day people are encouraged not to drive a car, but to walk instead and to use push bikes during that day.

The motor vehicle is often overrated, people often rely on it so much, that they can not do anything without driving a car from point A to point B.  Some people will build their personality around a motor vehicle, i guess they do the same around their equestrian hobbies, horses are more environmentally friendly.

Car free day is a great idea, it can make people more aware of the benefits that can be gained by walking and by using a push bike, both of these means of travel can help to maintain good physical fitness.  Walking more between the point A and B, push bike can also connect the A, B to the C and D. A pushbike can also recreate the whole concept of trivial driving, from being a useless preoccupation to making travel by a bike health benefiting exercise.

On the free car day people can walk and cycle more, by doing these exercises there are many benefits to many systems of their body.

  1. Cardiovascular system
  2. Respiratory system
  3. Skeletal system
  4. Limbic system
  5. Muscular system

Car free day encourages physical activities and down to earth real time, realistic speeds of travel.




Interacting With The Wonders of Nature

Interacting with the wonders of Nature

There are many ways to interact with the Natural environment, it can be found almost everywhere.

The natural environment does ebb and flow with the various seasons, and there are many climates and variations from steady stable to extreme. Obviously the growing seasons are more active, dynamic, colorful (also autumn) and interesting. There are also optimum conditions for vegetation, plants and trees to grow. Most common conditions are warmth, water, sunlight, nutrients, oxygen.

One way for interacting with the wonders of nature, is by using the hobby of photography.

Capturing quality images of plants and flowers for example. The spring season and the summer is really interesting in the visual Art sense, there are colors, textures, shapes and sizes in the plants, shrubs, trees and flower, and it is on going for many weeks if not months.

If you are a new starter in photography, or maybe you were photographer from the film camera days, then here is a suggestion for what type of camera gear to setup with, and how to start interacting with your camera and the environment. There are hundreds of topics that you can choose from, e.g. plants, flowers, butterflies, bees, bugs, spiders, grass, shrubs, trees, seasons, water, lakes, rivers, creeks, ponds, sea, hills, mountains, sky, clouds, storms, rain clouds, sunshine, moonlight, there you have 27 already to get you started, and get inspired and start, Interacting with the wonders of Nature.


If you have ever been a collector, e.g. stamps, coins, butterflies, bird eggs, antiques, or any other hobby, then you know how to get organized, and to have information filing system and overall plan for collecting information from your new project and hobby. Being well organized will make it more productive and enjoyable, whether it is only a small amount of information, and gradually build it over time.

What you need is decent computer, a reasonable well working operating system (Updated), a remote hard-drive for storing your images, over time they build up, and you don’t want to have all your images on your active computer. A camera, a camera bag, memory cards, at least one lens (prefer 2-3), extension tubes (close up photos), and a tripot, that should get your started, motivated to go out to explore the wonders of Nature.

You can store digital images, edit images, send images to your friends through email, post images on social media sites like Facebook, and other sites. Also take part in sharing your images with the wider world through Picture Gallery sites e.g., creating your own hobby picture gallery on the web. Also by having your own blog, built around your hobby, this is where being organized really helps, and makes your blog content the more interesting.

Here are some computer purchase suggestions, starting from the PC-best rated. They are ready and available for purchase online from Amazon.


There are many brands to choose from:

Eurocom Leopard 2.0

Asus N56VM


Interacting with the wonders of Nature
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Also the screen size is something you need to consider.

A Smaller monitor screen size is more convenient when on the road, but not so much fun at home on the desk.  Also the desk top computer with a large screen is another option to consider, if your desk top is deep enought. Sizes vary from 13 inch to 22 inch and bigger. I personally use a 17 inch screen, and i would not go any smaller for my photography work.  Bigger screen also means you can view more thumbnail size images of the entire gallery.  Energy consumption is also something to consider, a bigger screen may use more power, it will if they are equal brand, model and year of production.  There are computer monitors that are specially made for professional photography work in mind, true color representation and fine quality details without the jagged pixel edges on images, here are some samples to consider.

The are many ways for Interacting with the wonders of Nature, with the help from the modern technology, it is possible to capture images and impressions from Nature and to take it home, to see and study the details, to learn more about the wonders of Nature.

Interacting with the wonders of Nature
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What is Nutrition

What is Nutrition

The word Nutrition means different things to different people.

Family meal times, tradition, children health and nutrition, culture, education and the regional climate, has generally determined what food types were present, what was favored, what was available and the amount of food laden energy required (more so in the previous generations). As time went by the negative eating habits became known initially by lack of motivation/energy, overweight, pains, aches, complaints and at times fatal heart attack or illness of malnutrition. As Science grew legs to stand on, and there was general consensus of the human anatomy, and the many systems and organs, then nutritional education became more acceptable in the society. People generally are grateful when their health is optimized and the state of their mind is positive with strong will to live a happy healthy productive life. Continue reading What is Nutrition